Stories from the field…
Erik Shelland
VETSports Albuquerque Chapter Leader
“It is AMAZING how the power of sports can really ease your mental status from the daily pressures of reality even if only for an hour or two. But those hours that I received from playing softball were immense! Leading a team… your brothers (and sisters) in battle, the competitive nature and fire rising to the top in the hopes of garnering a win…all essential elements of being a former military officer! It was then that I realized, that leading a team is what I need to do. I didn’t want to lead just any team though. I only wanted to lead my brothers (and sisters) in arms in battle. I decided to create my own softball team and would only accept players whom had some sort of military affiliation. I wanted to give back and help those that might be having the same demons that I have had at one time. So far, so good…this team won the State title in 2016! In this team, I have been able to reconnect with my inner burning desire to be a leader once again. This team has allowed me to reconnect with those old military feelings in which I am truly grateful. I love leading a team, and now with logical progression of the ranks, to be leading an entire Chapter of VETSports. I truly believe this is my calling card, my mark on the world. So, I would encourage all of you future Chapter leaders out there, you can’t make a splash without taking the plunge!”
Josh Light
VETSports Ohio
“ I just wanted to say a few words about not only my weekend but what VETSports has done for me. Let me start off by saying a big thank you to Jason Elix and his wife Sarah Elix for introducing VETSports into my life. Jason and Sarah are wonderful people and I am glad to call them not only friends but family. Without getting into details, VETSports has saved my life in many different ways. It gave me a family I could lean on in difficult time and people that I could talk to if needed. It gave me something to look forward to when I would go to the softball field. It gave me a purpose in life! I have now switched gears softball to archery. I have not picked up a softball bat since I moved from Texas to Ohio but I have focused on competitive archery. Archery has a unique effect on me. It truly puts me in my happy place so to say. It is just myself and 1 goal shoot an X… I was lucky enough to take part in 2 events. First being the National Field Archery Association (NFAA) Pro/Am on Friday night. I shot great that night with a 147/150. I even shot better than the pro I was paired with. The second event I participated in was the NFAA Indoor Nationals. This was my first time shooting in an event to this magnitude and boy did the nerves get to me. I shot a 298/300 with 52/60 X's. To my standards I under performed but did have a personal best in the X count. Unfortunately I was not able to shoot in day 2 of the indoor nationals because of a family emergency. All in all I had an amazing [time]. The best part of it all is that my amazing wife and 2 beautiful daughters were able to be there and see me shoot. It was the first time for them to see me do what I love. To end this post I want to sincerely thank VETSports for everything you have done for me, I proudly wear your colors every time I perform and will always continue to do so.”
Autumn Hartpence
VETSports Healthy Living Coordinator
“Being introduced to VETSports has raised my awareness about veterans and their needs. I am more aware that they are around me in my normal, everyday life. I had uncles who were veterans, but, they lived out of state and seldom did they travel home. I didn’t know anyone close to me that was, or had been, in the service, and it never occurred to me to ask. When I was young, the picture in my mind when you would mention “veteran” is what, I’m sure, many people think of. Older men sitting around a bar drinking, smoking, and commiserating with one another. VETSports is the polar opposite of this image. It’s men and women, young and old, outdoors, being active, supporting one another, being vibrant members of their community. I don’t know many stories of the veterans I’ve met; however, it is not lost on me their willingness to serve. I am honored to know each one I have met, and made a connection with, through VETSports. Learning how my friends became a Gold Star family deepens the meaning even more.”
VETSports NW Florida Senior Softball Team
“Here is a pic of our Veteran Senior Softball team, we ended up winning the Wounded Warrior tournament, we are the overall CHAMPIONS! It was an awesome day for a great cause. Just wanted to say thank you all again for everything, we couldn’t have done it without your support.”
- Brian Goad (Chapter Leader)
Steven Ureña
Tampa Regional Coordinator
Navy Veteran
“Like most new veterans who leave the service, I found it easy to say "I don't want to exercise today" and there was no one around to hold me accountable for new bad habits. I quickly found myself out of shape and unable to do some of the simple physical activities I used to do. Since connecting with VETSports and the many sporting activities they offer, I have found a reason to become more active again. Thanks to my involvement in Softball games, Bowling leagues, and Golf tournaments; I've started to exercise again and I'm even losing weight which has made me feel so much better… When I was in the Navy, I used to enjoy volunteering with my fellow shipmates. Since then I haven't had many chances share that same experience until I joined VETSports. The Tampa Bay Chapter is involved in Habitat for Humanity, local animal rescues, and a great organization called The Miracle League which allows disabled youth to enjoy and play modified baseball games. Thanks to these experiences I've re-discovered my passion for helping my community while working side by side with my fellow veterans.”