Our mission is to…
Help veterans achieve better physical, mental, and emotional health through sports, physical activity, and teamwork.
VETSports’ goal is to…
help combat Veteran isolation through sporting activities and service programs thus helping to reduce the Veteran suicide rate. Currently, Veteran suicide has an unprecedented rate of 22 suicides a day; in addition, many suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Getting these veterans outside and on the playing field with other veterans is our goal. Unlike other veteran organizations, 95 % of all funds raised go directly to our VETSports veteran service programs. We are a small organization with a huge impact…
"GREAT group of people, doing GREAT things for Veterans! I'm honored to know some of these wonderful veterans and their families!"
- Sally F

VETSports was founded in 2012 by three combat Veterans who saw a need to help Veterans reintegrate into their communities after returning home from their combat tours. Our Veteran non-profit organization aims to set the standard for how to improve Veterans’ physical, mental, and emotional health through sports, physical activity, and community involvement.
VETSports provides thousands of Veterans with continuous opportunities to reintegrate into their communities through sports, community service, events, and partnerships. VETSports has many established chapter leagues throughout the country, serving more than 1,000 veterans a week. Active sports leagues include flag football, softball, cornhole, running, volleyball, hockey, and other unique sports like weightlifting, archery, and mixed martial arts.
VETSports leagues focus on team building, healthy living, and giving back to the local community. Over the past nine years, the organization has supported Veterans by providing a community of Veteran events and activities, supporting each other in both physical and mental pursuits.